Strict Standards: Declaration of PropertyCollection::create() should be compatible with ItemCollection::create() in /usr/www/users/www036/contenido/classes/ on line 302

Strict Standards: Declaration of PropertyItem::setField() should be compatible with Item::setField($field, $value, $safe = true) in /usr/www/users/www036/contenido/classes/ on line 351

Strict Standards: Declaration of FrontendPermissionCollection::create() should be compatible with ItemCollection::create() in /usr/www/users/www036/contenido/classes/class.frontend.permissions.php on line 18

Strict Standards: Declaration of FrontendUserCollection::create() should be compatible with ItemCollection::create() in /usr/www/users/www036/contenido/classes/class.frontend.users.php on line 128

Strict Standards: Declaration of FrontendGroupCollection::create() should be compatible with ItemCollection::create() in /usr/www/users/www036/contenido/classes/class.frontend.groups.php on line 88

Strict Standards: Declaration of FrontendGroupMemberCollection::create() should be compatible with ItemCollection::create() in /usr/www/users/www036/contenido/classes/class.frontend.groups.php on line 204

Strict Standards: Declaration of cApiClient::deleteProperty() should be compatible with Item::deleteProperty($type, $name) in /usr/www/users/www036/contenido/classes/contenido/class.client.php on line 256
BVG Grundstücksgesellschaft Hardegsen


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Ansprechpartner: Volker Fröchtenicht